
Hi. I'm Nicole!

Wife.  Mama to two busy toddler babes. Photographer.  Trying to seek Jesus each day, through each season.  So glad you're here!

its a colorful life

It's Monday and I'm determined to ENJOY this week and not just SURVIVE it.  From here until December my life will revolve around school, school, and more school with my best friend's wedding, closing on a house, and preparing for our wedding thrown in.  Lord, help me.  But, after reading Jessica's post yesterday I am reminded that His power is perfected in my weakness.  I am handing over these crazy days to the Lord because He can be glorified through my actions and my attitudes.

Just a little side note for your Monday. :)

Want to see a little glimpse of my Weekend?

We ran The Color Run!

I had no idea what we were really getting into.  Grown women in tutus, men in crazy wigs... it was a SIGHT! 

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It was possibly the most fun date we've ever had.  Call me sappy, but I love doing silly things like this with Ty.  I feel so blessed to have a man to share the serious moments with as well as the insanely fun moments with.  I probably could have married him on the spot. :)  I'm so ready to be this guy's wife, y'all.  So ready.

   They aren't kidding when they call it "the happiest 5k on the planet" because I don't know if I could have been surrounded by happier people!  Everyone was laughing and screaming and just having the best time while being covered in color.  Who knew that colored cornstarch could provide such joy??  

We hadn't even left the parking lot before I was on The Color Run website trying to find another run to attend in the near future.  Needless to say, this couple will be the first to sign up for the next Memphis Color Run!

The rest of my weekend consisted of lots and lots of homework.

Not much to show for there. ;)

What did YOU do this weekend??

the best defense against worry

friday's letters