
Hi. I'm Nicole!

Wife.  Mama to two busy toddler babes. Photographer.  Trying to seek Jesus each day, through each season.  So glad you're here!

wedding wednesday: after you say i do with Mackey Madness

I'm stinkin' excited to have Megan here today.  Go read yesterday's post to get the scoop on this new 
guest series!


Hi lovely readers. My name is Megan and I blog over at Mackey Madness. I'm so thrilled to be kicking off this series because I am SO SO passionate about the Lord and about marriage. My husband and I have been married for almost 2 years, so while I am certainly no expert, I have learned a thing or two, whether it's been from good Christian women giving me advice or through trial and error during our marriage. 

- My biggest piece of advice is to approach marriage through the viewpoint of the Bible. This really ties into all my other tips, but it is definitely the most important one. Of course we as Christians want a Godly marriage, but if we aren't looking to the scriptures in reference/guidance for our marriages, how can we expect to have a Godly marriage? God created marriage and gave us the perfect example in which to view/understand it...Jesus and the church. That is the definition of selflessness and true love and if we look to that relationship as guidance, our marriage can only flourish and prosper. 

- Pray together. This is such a biggie and often gets overlooked, but wow, can it make a huge difference in a marriage. Not only is it bringing the two of you closer together, but it is bringing the two of you as a couple closer to the Lord. It is a true act of intimacy, bringing worries, fears and praises to the Lord and sharing in that moment together. I find it so comforting to hold my husband's hand and together pour out our hearts to the Lord. 

- Forgive. Quickly and easily. This is probably one of my biggest struggles. I tend to be the stubborn person that wants to pout and cry and have a good few hours of "letting it be known that I'm upset." That kind of attitude does nothing productive for our marriage or our spirits and completely goes against the words of the Lord. He teaches us to forgive time and time again, and that holds true to our spouses. 

- Do not compare. Each and every single person was created as a unique individual by God, so thus each and every marriage is unique. And yes, there are times when it is nice to seek advice from friends and family and they may share their opinions/personal experience from their marriage, but be quick to guard your heart and mind from comparisons and jealousy. Every marriage has faults. Rather try to relish what is good in your marriage and pray about what is not so good. 

- Enjoy sex! Yes, I said it...and yes, I mean it! God created sex for marriage and He wants us to enjoy it! Don't use it as a tool for manipulation, meaning you withhold it if your spouse makes you mad/angry. It was never meant to be like that. It is something meant to bring the two people closer together, physically and emotionally. Use it. Enjoy it. : ) (Anyone feel awkward yet?!)

- Realize that it won't always be easy. Nothing good in life comes easy or without working for it. Almost everyone I know would say that their child/children have been their biggest blessing in life, but they would also be quick to say that it's not easy raising a child. The same thing applies to marriage. It's beautiful and God-created and one of the most amazing relationships...yet not every single day is easy. Some days will be. Some days won't be. Sometimes I think that books/movies/music give us this completely unrealistic expectation of love and marriage and we have to remember that marriage is one of the hardest relationships because it is two people choosing to live together and choose love each and every day, through all of the ups and downs of life. You will see your spouse at his/her best and worst, and vice versa. Cherish the great days. Hold tight to love in the not-so-great days.

There are so many other things that I think are key in marriage...communication, spending time together, tithing, etc. But really like I said initially, it all just comes down to following along with what the Bible teaches us about love, forgiveness, jealousy, passion, trust, etc. The Bible gives us a blueprint on how to have a Godly marriage, but we can only put that into practice in our lives if we are actively seeking it out by reading scripture and spending time with the Lord. 

Whew, I feel like I just preached a sermon. I hope y'all got something out of that. I'm so excited for N & T as they embark on this amazing journey. Marriage is SO good y'all. So good. Thank you, Lord, for creating marriage for us and for showing us how to grow it and nourish it!


What do y'all think of Megan's advice?  Girlfriend shared some solid truth here! Thanks, Meg!  

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