
Hi. I'm Nicole!

Wife.  Mama to two busy toddler babes. Photographer.  Trying to seek Jesus each day, through each season.  So glad you're here!

my name is Nicole, what's yours?

I feel like this blog has been a bit of a blur since we've gotten married.  Y'all, learning how to be married isn't a piece of cake.  Words like balance, priorities, and simple are hard words for me to wrap my mind around.  Do I do school work first, or wash clothes?  Do I need to do the dishes now, or can I sit and crank out a quick blog post?  Should I need to take my makeup off now, or should I wait until my husband gets home? (Yes, I really do ask myself that.)  I'm adjusting.  And I'm struggling.  Finishing up school, being a wife, and still doing all the little "life" things inbetween has really sent me to a place where I question my everyday actions.  I need to simplify.  But, what do I cut out?  What do I stop doing?  These are questions I'm still trying to figure out the answer to.

As school comes to a close and glorious Summer hits me with all its shining glory, I look forward to spending more time with you.  I can't wait to build more relationships and love on you just a little bit better.  Today, I want you to introduce yourself.  Give me a couple sentences about who you are and how long you've been reading.  It humbles me to know that some of you have read my words since day one.  Y'all are too good.  I want to get to know you a little more!  Share a funny story or tell me about what you're passionate about most.  Share a prayer request or something exciting going on in your life.  Just tell me something!  Be sure to leave a link to your blog so that I can come and visit you in the next few weeks.  I know, I've gotten behind on responding to your comments and I promise that this will get better.  If YOU take the time to leave me sweet notes then I want to respond to that!  (Some of you leave me GREAT feedback, but you are a no reply commenter!  If you wondering why people aren't responding to your sweet comments, go read Leslie's post HERE so I can reply to you!)

Before you get to commenting, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine!  Bailey is a sweet Texas girl with one big heart.  She loves Jesus and that love just flows out of her posts.  She's also an intern for a wedding planner in Austin, Texas which makes her a million times cooler.  She's pretty awesome.  And she has killer style.  Just look at her current wish list!

Here are a few questions that I asked Bailey recently...

As graduation creeps up how are you keeping your thoughts fixed on the Lord and his faithfulness instead of the worries of "finding a job"?

Graduation has been looming in the distance for some time, and only recently has it's reality hit home. I'd say it's been a piece of cake trusting Jesus with my future and post-grad plans, but don't take it for it's usual meaning ;) It hasn't been easy. Pressure from parents, the never ending though good-natured questions from friends and professors, it has had the potential to be overwhelming. But God is so good and so faithful. He knows what our hearts need to hear and how to encourage us best. Last month I was doing the She Reads Truth devotional on the Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) when I happened on a verse I knew was a promise from God that He would take care of me in this transition time. 

"The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in, from this time forth and even forevermore!" Psalm 121:8

He's gone ahead of me and He is walking with me. Yes, there are details that I have to work through and practical things to get done, but He is in it all. My post-grad plans include a move across the country; this Texas girl is heading to Seattle in a few short weeks. But remember that piece of cake I mentioned earlier? The Lord has promised an adventure in the northwest, but peace and grace to enjoy my last few weeks of classes and time with family. Trusting in Him to sort out the details allows me to have my cake and eat it, too. Trusting Him is worth it!

What has impacted your prayer life the most?

I'm a journaler. I finished my first journal three years ago and have gone through at least eight since then. Putting pen to paper has been where I pour my heart out and share my days, thoughts, dreams, and fears. Journaling has been where I've learned and seen God's faithfulness to answer prayers, to lead us through the difficult times, and that prayer is worth it. In the moment, it may not seem like much is happening. How can a brief whisper shift the workings of this world? It can because our God is greater than our understanding. I read a quote the other day that said {roughly} "Prayer doesn't change God, prayer changes us." Living a lifestyle of prayer --the Bible says to pray without ceasing-- is so sweet. I'm not perfect at it by any means and I want to go deeper in it. But we have daily access to the Creator of the stars, the mountains, and the brightest flowers! I love looking back through my journals and reading through seasons I prayed specifically for family, world issues, or even places I was struggling in my heart and seeing the fingerprints He's left all over in the time between. 

What is your favorite book of the Bible and why?

This changes with the seasons, especially whatever season I find my heart in. Currently I've been spending time in the Psalms and it has filled my soul with the hope and awe I've been desiring for so long. I love how David so vulnerably poured out his heart to God, in the good times and bad. He wasn't perfect and neither are we, so there is something for everyone to relate to in his songs. If you're looking for somewhere to start, I'd begin with Psalm 139. It tells us how well God knows us and the care He took in creating us. Praying through the Psalms is another way to approach them, or a Psalm a day. I also love the story of Esther so her book follows close in my favorites, and Ephesians has enough wisdom, counsel, and direction to inspire me for weeks.  My greatest battle with the Bible for a long time was knowing/deciding where to start. My suggestion? Just jump in! God will reveal more of Himself to you when you leap into His Book. No matter where you begin :)

Don't you love her?? Go see her at Anchored in Love Divine and tell her I sent you!  

Now... start introducing yourself, gals!  I'm pumped to meet you!

spreading the love

bless others